Turning the clock back 800 years! achieving many world firsts in the process on the iconic Young Nick’s Head with the recovery of tuatara, petrels, shearwater, penguin colonies, giant weta and wetlands.
Steve Sawyer helps coordinate the Cape Project and the recovery of over 33 unique species including kiwi, seabirds and takahe.
A unique project working closely with Jeremy and Dame Anne Salmond to restore the 120 ha Longbush Eco-Sanctuary. Native bats, forest birds, seabirds , kiwi and weka will restore the chorus of the hills which has been absent for centuries!
Steve established the Whinray Trust in 1999.
With a dedicated team we have been involved with the recovery of riflemen, native frogs, weka, kiwi, ancient rimu forest and much more!
A new project working with James and Suzy Cameron’s team to restore a unique and ancient beech forest, wetlands and threatened species in a special and rugged part of New Zealand.
The Ecoworks team set up predator proof fencing on Maui and using acoustics attracted two of the world’s most endangered seabirds to land and begin breeding in a protected site.
A first for the East Coast Ecoworks NZ is working with Hikurangi Forest farms to protect and restore native bats in the remote Huanui area of the East Coast.
There are many more…..